I'm 60 with $1M. Can I Retire?

I don’t want you working longer than you need to. Understand the earliest time work is truly optional and start living your best life. Case Study Details: John & Jane Sample are both 60 and seeking retirement guidance and have $1.05M with a home they own. One child. Desire to leave $500k upon passing. They had diligently saved, but their initial plan was to work until 65, aiming for a 100% probability of success. They are now on track to retire early and spend more than projected - and want to optimize along the way. Their retirement goals were as follows: ➡ $6,000 per month for core living expenses. ➡ A plan to ensure they account for healthcare costs (up to $30k total for a few years). ➡ All of this income needed to be after tax. No pension. SS staggered. Achieving a 100% probability of success means having an excessive buffer or margin in their plan. While a financial buffer is essential, the question arises: what are they planning to do with those extra resources? Imagine dying with $3M...with no desire to. Optimizing Retirement for a Fulfilling Life We proposed a new perspective to show them what they can spend and STILL be on track to reach their goals. This would allow them to enjoy their retirement while they are still healthy, energetic, and have time to spend with loved ones. This approach also opens up the possibility of adjusting their financial plan to better align with their real goals. The crucial takeaway from this case is that retirement planning is not just about maximizing the terminal value of your portfolio. It's about optimizing your life and making the most of your resources to live a meaningful and fulfilling retirement. Ari Taublieb, CFP®, MBA is the Vice President of Root Financial Partners (Fiduciary). Interested in a custom strategy to retire early? → https://vwo3759x8i7.typeform.com/earlyretirement Free Cash Flow Planner → https://root-financial-partners.ck.page/d17cd2634f Most Important Photos You'll Ever See If You Want To Have Success In Retirement → https://www.dropbox.com/s/40lis7bjblcqlwx/The%20Regret%20Gap.pdf?dl=0 FREE eBook: A Complete Guide To An Early Retirement → https://rootfinancialpartners.lpages.co/earlyretirementcompleteguide/ FREE eBook: Complete Guide to HEALTH INSURANCE to Retire Early → https://root-financial-partners.ck.page/749fadd4c5 PODCAST - https://earlyretirementpodcast.com/ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/earlyretirementari/ LINKEDIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aritaublieb/ What video topic would you like to see discussed in a future video? 📣 Please like this video and tell us what you think! This feedback helps me create better content for you. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 📣 Are you taking advantage of tax planning? Most people hoping to retire early know they're leaving money on the table but don't know how to fix it. 👉 Subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon. ⭐ #Ari_Taublieb_Early_Retirement #Ari_Taublieb #retirement_planning #Estate_Planning #tax_planning #Investing #Cash_Flow #Investment_Management #Income_Tax_Saving_Guide #Income_Tax_Saving #Investing_Guide #IRAs ...................................................................................................................................... ❣ SPONSORED: No, this video was not sponsored. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️ "DISCLAIMER:⚠️ All content is not to be received as financial advice and each individual should consult with their dedicated financial planner, tax preparer, estate attorney, etc. before making any financial decisions. This video contains content that I solely created and got permission from its creators to use. This Channel DOES NOT Promote or encourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided by This Channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE only. ⭐ Thank you for supporting the channel and for watching this video ⭐G